Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Patriot Camp

You can choose to do it alone, but you don't have to. Welcome to our Patriot Camp. We started because we felt the need to teach our children in depth about the history of America. We want this for all American kids, so we are publishing what we've done so that you can take our ideas and run with them.

First, we have our camps set up so that families only pay for the cost of the activities. We aren't here to make money, we just want to educate and have fun. But that means every parent has a job and older kids are involved in helping the younger ones. We split our groups into teams and currently (as of this post) have about 62 kids participating in our camp. 

Camp starts together with everyone singing 'Oh I love America' to help them remember it's time to sit. We go over a few announcements and have a prayer. We then have a flag ceremony and say the pledge together. 

Our kids are split into 5 groups so we have 5 classes that parents will teach each camp. We try to keep classes engaging for kids and keep with a theme for the day. Each class should last about 20min, and teams will rotate around to each of the classes.

After classes we usually have the kids meet together again for a group game and quick review of the day. We end with a prayer and everyone is expected to help clean up.

Parents who come all have a job. Jobs that we have every Patriot Camp are: 

Prep building (decorations, set up "classrooms")

Teach a class

help teach a class

run a nursery for younger siblings

take pictures

tell classes when its time to rotate

hall monitors

We started holding Camp in 2022 at the park so we wouldn't have to pay for a building. We have been fortunate to reach several families with our message of freedom and have grown large enough to need a building for our meetings. We have rented out personal property from people we knew, rented a gym from our community center, and have been blessed with a church that has let us use their building. If you need a building, chat with your local library. They may have resources that you haven't thought of before. Don't be afraid to ask local businesses if they would be willing to rent their building by the hour. Our camps last from 12-3:30. Try asking about different times, YOU CAN DO IT!

Making Escape Room Puzzles

 This was a challenge! Where do you start? We all had lots of items in our homes that could be useful, but putting them all together in a gi...